Thursday, April 8, 2010

How to Get Better Grades – Part 5 of 5

Get Support

At crunch time, it helps to have someone to coach, cheerlead, and yes, nag you. Who’s your nag of choice?
• Your mom or dad
• Your brother, sister, uncle, etc.
• A nice kid in your class who knows the stuff but isn’t such a genius that she’d have a hard time explaining things in plain English.
• A tutor. Ask the teacher if he can work with you after school. If not, ask if he can recommend someone. Tutors can make a big difference.

If You’re Too Upset to Do Schoolwork

Your parents are fighting, your best friend is telling lies about you, you’re going through another bout of thinking you’re ugly. Whatever the reason, you’re feeling too upset to think about schoolwork.

• First, try to fight through it. You may think you’re too depressed or anxious to concentrate on quadratic equations but if you just get started, you may find that the schoolwork distracts you. Get it done and you’ll probably feel better - you’ll have taken control over your life. Getting good grades is a step toward a better life. Don’t do it and you’ll have one more reason to feel miserable.

• Nip your worrying in the bud. The moment you catch yourself beginning to worry, decide whether you can do anything about your problem now. If not, turn your attention back to your schoolwork. If you don’t nip your worry in the bud, it tends to snowball into such a big worry that there’s no way you’ll be able to concentrate on schoolwork.

• If those techniques don’t work, it may be time to talk to a counselor or someone else you trust.

• Get started early. You'll be less stressed, you'll learn more, and crazy as it may sound, you may actually enjoy studying. Cramming is never fun. It’s just an adrenaline-powered frenzy session likely to result in a so-so grade, and, seven seconds after the exam, your forgetting 90% of what you crammed.

• Maintain perspective. Yes, you want good grades, and yes they matter, but there are plenty of C students with better lives than many A students. In the end, your life will probably be no worse if you get a B rather than an A in World History.

• One more secret: Your parents or teachers probably won’t tell you this, but the truth is that many FINE colleges will admit you with so-so grades.

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