Friday, April 2, 2010

How to Get Better Grades – Part 1 of 5

The end of the school year is approaching FAST. It’s crunch time. You can picture that report card now, and it’s not looking pretty.

Here’s the good news. You have just enough time to save the day. Here are the most powerful ways to change C’s to B’s and B’s to A’s, and quick.

Getting Motivated

To significantly improve your grades, you’re going to have to work at least a little harder during these next few weeks. Why in the world you should bother? Are any of the following actually important to you? (Check all that apply.)

• Getting your parents off your back.

• Bragging rights to your siblings.

• Not being embarrassed when your smart friends ask what grade you got.

• Having a better chance of getting into Cool College rather than just Lame University.

• Having a better chance of getting into college, at all! Can you just imagine: At the end of your senior year, all your friends will be asking each other, “Where are you going to college?” How would you feel answering, “Oh, I’m not going to college.”

• Learning more. Not only will that make you smarter, you’ll feel more confident, and be more attractive to desirable friends, boys, and employers.

• Discounts on car insurance (and permission to drive…)

• Do you have another reason for studying? Write it here: _________________________.

Stay tuned for parts 2 through 5 next week!

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