Monday, May 9, 2011

True Stories Part 4

“Miss Nancy. Miss Nancy. I got in trouble today!”

Immediately the dialog format catches the reader’s attention. Nancy writes about her conversation with the playground bully at the school where she worked as a teacher assistant. The boy complains that the teacher punished him when, “I said a bad word and pushed Tommy because he was making fun of me.”

Nancy commiserates saying, “Getting in trouble isn’t much fun.” Later on she shares her own experience, “One day I figured out that if I didn’t let my sister see me get mad, she wouldn’t make fun of me because I wasn’t getting angry.” At another point she suggests, “We are going to have a secret code. Every time you get angry, flip your retainer in your mouth and that will let me know… I will come over and give you three minutes of alone time to calm down…”

Without a boastful word, Nancy’s essay shows her insight, compassion, tact and creativity.

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