Monday, April 18, 2011

True Stories Part 1

Worried that Don’s 6 transcripts, from two high schools and four junior colleges, with several D’s, arriving cold, could ruin his chances, I convinced him to write a cover letter, even though none of the colleges he was applying to required a personal statement.

He explained that after working part time jobs and taking occasional courses, he had in the past year focused more seriously on his studies and attended community college full time. Both his life and his school experiences now led him to choose a program in international relations. He had lived and traveled in the Middle East, and was comfortable with and knowledgeable about foreign cultures. While his academic performance was uneven, his grades in courses related to his intended major were excellent, with A’s in government, history and anthropology.

Don’s well crafted note drew attention to what he wanted to emphasize in his record and communicated that he had become mature, focused, and ready to succeed.

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