Monday, April 25, 2011

True Stories Part 2

Dana’s grades would guarantee admission to the University of Texas, but acceptance to the highly competitive School of Communication was a different matter. Our application strategy was to showcase qualifications relevant for the particular program.

First, she focused her resume. She did not limit inclusion of her work in a youth organization as a single item on a long list of activities. She devoted a section to her responsibilities and accomplishments as an officer. Bullet points showed she had planned and run a campaign that increased membership 200%, and that under her leadership retention increased 30%. Her resume made her already look like a pro!

Then she focused her essay to demonstrate that she is creative and communicates effectively, without ever saying so directly. Elsewhere in the application, she referenced having both the quantitative (AP score of 5 in statistics) and people skills that would be useful in the fields of marketing, advertising and public relations.

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