Monday, February 21, 2011

High School "To Do" List - Freshmen

Get to ‘doing’

Check out the following list of recommended “To Dos” to help you plan and prepare for college. Pick the “To Do” items that are most applicable to you and then consider putting them on a calendar or printing off this list and crossing them off as you complete them. You can even take this list to your guidance counselor, teacher or parent to help keep you on track.

Freshman-year tasks

* Learn the specific nature of your disability and how to explain it so others will understand your needs.
* Learn about your strengths.
* Learn how to participate actively in your plan, especially your transition plan, which is your plan to help you achieve your goal of attending college.
* Prepare academically by carefully planning your high school courses.
* Work with your guidance counselor to be sure that you will have the standard and verified credits you need to obtain the desired diploma.
* Prepare for and pass the end-of-course SOL tests required for verified credits.
* Learn how to use the academic adjustments, auxiliary aids and services, and learning strategies that you will need in college.
* Explore assistive technology and how it can help you complete tasks that are difficult for you.
* Ask your guidance counselor to teach you about the college resources available in your school.
* Explore career options with your guidance counselor and visit your school career or college center.
* Become involved in school- or community-based activities that interest you and that might lead to a career.
* Talk to people in various professions to find out what they like and dislike about their jobs and what kind of education is needed.
* Continue to work on the skills that are hard for you to do.
* Learn strategies to help you access the same course work as your peers.
* Begin a “Going To College” portfolio.

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