Monday, September 27, 2010

Counselor Caseloads

The following is a post and comments I made on a separate counselor message board last month. Enjoy...


How are your caseloads configured? Does each counselor have a specialty or do you utilize the generalist approach?

BIngram · 282 views · 7 comments


Comment from: jlcnslrw! [Member]

At our school each counselor had an extra area they were responsible for coordinating information. There were 2 college counselors, 1 scholarship, 1 AP testing, 1 Military, 2 Careers, 1 for pregnant teens, and 1 for ESL. We were also divided by teams so there were 3 freshman counselors and then the rest were sophomore-senior counselors. I felt the freshman counselors should follow their students through, however the students were then funneled into different teams after freshman year according to career choices.

2010-08-21 @ 09:53:48 am

Comment from: jfrederking [Member]

We have two counselors who split the school A-L and M-Z. We also have a part-time School Assistance Person who handles all of the Alcohol and Other Drug issues with students. This person is a social worker with extra training on substance concerns. She covers the entire building for these issues.

2010-08-22 @ 02:00:13 am

Comment from: charger13 [Member]

Caseloads are determined by alphabet and specialty at my school. Each counselor has part of the alphabet order with one or two specialty assignments as well. 320 is the max.

2010-08-25 @ 02:06:00 am

Comment from: jknip [Visitor]

In our middle schools, students stay with the same counselor through 6, 7 and 8. At our Freshman Center and high schools, students are divided alphabetically

2010-08-27 @ 03:42:09 am

Comment from: mnewswander [Member]

Our caseloads are broken down by alphabet. The caseload max starting next year will be 350. We also have a college counselor who carries a partial caseload.

2010-08-30 @ 09:26:45 am

Comment from: gymkoof7 [Member]

I work in three middle schools. Our district cut back middle schools counselors three years ago so we now have caseloads of 5 to 600.

2010-08-30 @ 10:23:13 am

Monday, September 13, 2010

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